Energistyrelsen Denmark

  • Country: Denmark
  • Year: 2011
  • Client: Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency (Danish: Energistyrelsen) was established in 1975 as an agency of the Danish Ministry of Transport and was in 2007 transferred to the newly created Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. The agency is responsible for handling both national and international agreements and tasks linked to production, supply and consumption of energy, and is the responsible agency for efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. It oversees the legal and political frameworks for reliable, affordable and clean supply of energy in Denmark.

In September 2011, the Agency hosted a Governmental bioenergy workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together, we organised the meeting. My responsibilities included organisational tasks prior to the event, working together with several countries on the workshop agenda, coordinating the communications with the delegates, identifying and inviting international expert speakers / stakeholders, and supporting the conduction + documentation of the workshop. I also held responsibility for the visual design of the bioenergy workshop.

Click for full-screen: environmental communications work examples